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Thursday, March 15, 2012

.:. Special .:.

Salam, whenever I dig into my old diaries kept in my heart, I will always find this someone very special.. Last year, when I wrote about her, on her birthday, I was soo touched, and cried, which were I don't not know why.. Today, again I am writing about her.. But I am smiling (no more tears.. huhu~)

Sanah Helwah my dear kembar.. I hope that it is not too late to write this post, today, lepas 3 hari birthday awak.. Hehe.. I pray that Allah will grant you His precious love, and mercy, guide you in His light, be with you in every step on your life, and I really hope that our ukhwah remain forever, ilal Jannah, insyaAllah.. Ameen~

Stay strong!! And cool, hehe.. And please, take a good care of yourself, would you? :) Never ever forget, that you have Him, and your family, and your kembar that will always love you..

For you, dear:

Allah did not promise
Days without pain,
Laughter without sorrow,
Sun without rain.

But he did promise:
Strength for the day,
Comfort for the tears,
and light for our ways.

I love you, sahabat :)

>> Happy Birthday, my dear :)  <<


inni akhafullah said...

kembar..thanks 4 d lovely post..sy ok je..awk pun, stay strong ya dear..luv u fillah...sy terharu¬ dapat kek 'cantek' n hadiah yg sgt cantik jugak..thanks kembar..

.:. Fairuz Nuraddin .:. said...

hehe~ sy tau kek tu sgt unik, kan3?? :D xde org lain yg akn penah dapat kek seunik tu.. ^^ thanks for everything, my dear, luv u <3 :)