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Tuesday, September 10, 2013

.:. Nice quote to share .:.

Something to share with all of you :)

1. Prayer is not a "spare tyre" that you pull out when in trouble, but it is a "steering wheel" that directs the right path throughout.

2. So why is a car's windshield so large and the rear view mirror so small? ......Because our past is not as important as our future. So, look ahead and move on!

3. Friendship is like a book. It takes few seconds to burn, but it takes years to write.

4. All things in life are temporary. If it's going well, enjoy it, that won't last long. If it's going badly, don't worry, that won't last long either ^___^

5. Old friends are gold. New friends are diamonds. If you get a diamond, don't forget the gold because to hold a diamond, you always need a base of gold.

6. Often when we lose hope and think this is the end, it is just a bend, not the end!

7. When ALLAH SWT solves your problems, you have faith in abilities; when ALLAH SWT doesn't solve your problems, He has faith in your abilities.

8. A blind person asked a wise man: "Can there be anything worse than losing eye sight?" He replied, "Yes, losing your vision!"

9. When you pray for others, ALLAH SWT listens to you and blesses them; sometimes when you are safe and happy, remember that someone has prayed for you.

10. Worrying does not take away tomorrow's troubles, it takes away today's peace.

>> Just love it! <<

Friday, September 6, 2013

.:. Filing Borang 1 dan 2 .:.


Dah seminggu jadi chambering student, haha, alhamdulillah semuanya ok.. Bos pun baik, kawan pun ok.. Suasana kerja yang aman and tenteram, hehe.. Alhamdulillah.. Haa, meh nak share sikit tentang cara-cara nak filekan borang 1 & 2 untuk petition chambering ni.. Since sy antara yg terawal filekan borang ni dalam ramao-ramai kawan sy, so, sy nak share supaya korang tak blurr macam sy (even dah baca post orang lain berkali-kali, haha).. Semoga bermanfaat ok :)

Sy bergerak ke Kompleks Mahkamah Jalan Duta seawal jam 7.10 pagi dari klang, sy naik buraq (JJW, gigih kan, kononnya nak elak jamm, haha).. Sampai Kompleks mahkamah pukul 8.15.. (Sila gerak awal kalau naik kereta supaya tak stress duduk dalam jamm kat Jalan Kuching tu)

1. Pergi ke RKK (Rayuan Kuasa-kuasa Khas), masuk je pintu mahkamah nampak tangga kat depan mata, naik yang sebelah kiri, RKK kat 1st floor.. Cakap nak filekan Borang 1 & 2, dengan harapan akak tu akan check borang kita betul ke tak.. Tapi kecewa, dia suruh terus turun bawah, haha, kira lucky la kalau dia nak check borang korang.. (Boleh je nak skip step ni)

2. Turun tangga and pergi ke kaunter bayaran (kalau korang turun tangga yang sama, ada kat sebelah kanan).. masa nak ambil no bagitahu kat auntie tu, nak bayar untuk akuan sumpah.. then bayar kat kaunter RM4..

3. Dah bayar? Pergi kaunter akuan sumpah, kalau korang keluar pintu kaunter bayaran tu, kat sebelah kiri..

4. Next, pergi the other side of kaunter bayaran, kalau tadi sebalah kanan, sekarang sebelah kiri pulak.. Beratur kat kaunter 4 ke 5, cakap nak filekan borang chambering 1 & 2, kakak tu akan bagi borang kena isi nama firm, emel, and listkan borang yang kita nak scan which are borang 1, borang 2 and affidavit..

5. Hantar balik borang tu kat kaunter kakak tadi, dia akan bagi no giliran, and dia suruh bayar kat machine kat tengah-tengah bilik tu.. Kena bayar RM 50.. Then duduk and tunggu giliran korang (agak lama la nak tunggu kat sini, sabar ea, hehe..)

6. Sampai giliran, bagi docs yang nak di scan.. after that, duduk balik sebab no korang akan dipanggil balik untuk pergi ke kaunter 17..

7. Kat kaunter 17, dia akan bagi invoice (satu kertas A4) yang ada tulis amount untuk dibayar untuk filekan borang 1 & 2.. Secara specific, RM 192..

8. Pergi balik kaunter bayaran yang kat the other side tu, ambil no giliran, and bayar.. (Kat sini sekejap je kena tunggu)

9. Patah balik ke the other side, pergi kaunter 17 tadi, hantar invoice yang dah dibayar tu, dia akan cop 'paid'.

10. Naik atas, bagitahu dah bayar, dia akan tunjukkan no petisyen yang nak kena isi kat dalam Borang 1 and 2..

11. Pergi ke kafetaria, kat B1, turun tangga yang berdepan dengan tangga nak pergi RKK td.. Cakap kat kakak tu, nak fotostat untuk chambering, kaka tu tahu apa nak buat.. Kakak tu akan fotostat Borang 2 sebanyak 32 keping, tapi dia akan staplekan siap-siap borang tu jadi 16 set.. Borang 1+ IC + Release letter semua tu dia akan fotostat 4 set.. Cost: RM 11.20

12. Naik balik kat RKK and bagi semua 16 set Borang 2.. Ok, sekarang dah boleh pergi serve kat 3 tempat..
i) Bar Council KL, kat Leboh Pasar Besar, 10 minit dari Jalan Duta..
ii) AGC, yang C3, bukan 4G7 (Kompleks Kerajaan, Parcel C, Bangunan C3), kat Putrajaya..
iii) Bar Caouncil negeri korang.. Ok, siap! Hehe

Total proses pemfailan ini ialah RM 257.20.. Sekian ^__^

Friday, August 16, 2013

.:. LL.B: Checked .:.

Salam, happy eid mubarak everyone! :)

I am now doing my chambering-hunting. Done my LL.B, even takde la ber'flying colours', alhamdulillah masih bercolour.. huhu.. LL.B, experiences yang you could never forget. The people, the environment, the pain, the tears and segala bagai.. But still pengalaman berharga bagi sy. Precious. And you will never get it until you've been in it. Kepada adik2 junior, my suggestion, join LL.B. You'll learn a lot. Memang agak busy tak cukup tidur, makan, rehat, segalanya.. Tp semua tu worth it kalau nak compare dengan apa yang kita akan dapat at last. People would never understand you during that term, even they are also law school based, but since they are not in the LL.B itself, they could not grab it, yes, sebab diorang tak rasa the 'happiness' of staying at the firm until 6 in the morning, the topsy-turvy to finish all the files, and the assignment, and the test that is being held every weekend, and the assessment that you need to complete every week, deal with all 9 subjects which ada pecah-pecahan lagi.. For example, subject remedies, bawah subject ni ada 3 subject yang ada different class, assessment, assignment, which are contract (carry 40%), tort (40%) and bankruptcy (20%) kalau tak silap.. Ataupun NCLM dipeacahkan pada corporate (60%) and family (40%).. *Am I whinning here?* huhu.. Anyway, all the best semua. May Allah ease your future endeavor :)

The back to basic moment :)

The outing when we are starving after a long day

The tension at 2 a.m

The mooting, and the court

The firm mates

The nice sunset view in front of the office

The topsy-turvy firm

The class mates ^___^

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

.:. Siyam dan Qiam .:.


Alhamdulillah, hari ke7 Ramadhan dan kita masih diberi ruang dan peluang untuk menikmati nikmat Iman dan Islam.. Fasa pertama Ramadhan ini sudah hampir dengan penghujungnya, mari sama-sama muhasabah, sejauh mana kita menghargai Ramadhan yang mulia ini..

Sejenak terdetik mengenai isu yang dibincangkan di Radio IKIM.fm, Siyam dan Qiam.. Menyentuh mengenai persiapan yang dilakukan oleh pencinta-pencinta Ramadhan.. Panel jemputan menyebut tentang tadarus, zikir, dhuha, qiamullail, puasa sunat dan sebagainya.. Bersungguh-sungguh sehingga membuat jadual, sebagai cheklist amalan seharian.. Alhamdulillah, amalan-amalan itu disifatkan sebagai tergolong dalam konsep qiam, iaitu proses membangunkan diri dengan membina rohani, dan menghidupkan hati..

Lalu ustaz yang menjadi moderator mlontarkan satu isu yang dikatakan sering ditinggalkan, iatu apa yang tergolong di dalam Siyam, konsep 'menahan' yang bukan hanya rigid kepada menahan diri daripada lapar dan dahaga, tapi juga perkara-perkara yang merosakkan hati.. Sebagai contoh menahan diri daripada melihat maksiat, aurat orang lain, dan sebagainya, kerana menurut moderator tersebut, pembangunan diri berasaskan qiam tidak mencapai kejayaan jika tidak disertakan dengan usaha untuk membersihkan diri berasaskan konsep siyam itu sendiri.. Dan saya tersentak dengan peringatan ini. Nampak simple, tapi itulah yang dilupakan. Wallahualam..


Monday, May 13, 2013

.:. Allah knows best .:.

Allah knows best..
I put my trust, my hope, my pray to Him. Hope for the better condition. And I pray that that day was not the last day we smiles to each other, as who we used to be. You used to call me with whatever-you-want-nickname. It could be yus, busuk, mucuk, buyung, fazzy, makcik, nenek, ustazah pilihan, and all that.. Now, its become Yush. And I know that it is not whatever-you-want-nickname.. And yes, I miss u.

That day, you came and gave me this.. Haven't eat it yet.

"We used to come to class together
Gives support to each other
And now I'm wonder
Would it only be my beautiful dream forever..?"
One thing for sure, Allah knows best.. Let's pray!

Friday, May 3, 2013

.:. Kuat! .:.


Di tengah kebizian, emm, tak dinafikan, berapa hari balik lewat malam a.k.a awal pagi.. Tidur 2 ke 3 jam, bangun, kelam kabut, kembali ke rutin yang biasa.. Bukan sengaja nak balik lewat, tapi perlu balik lewat.. Kalau ikut rasa hati yang ada intention nak rebel,  I just want to put a full stop.. Oh Lullaby, air mata kami jadi murah. Hati rasa nak memberontak. Apa lagi bila ada yang 'bergurau' mempersoalkan segalanya. Huhu.. Syukur kita ada Allah. He, and only He knows everything that we have to go through.. Kawan-kawan, we need to be strong! This is our battle. We could not escape. If we fall, we just need to stand up, again and again. I believe that we can do this. Let's put our trust in Allah, ok? :')

Tengah-tengah bizi ni, start la satu office dengan pelbagai virus demam.. Lepas sorang, sorang lagi MC. Bila badan jadi suam-suam kuku, kepala sakit, sy percaya menjadi ignorant boleh sembuhkan semua *thumbs up kepada awak yang jauh, cik pencipta formula* hehe.. Sungguh sy rindu.. Pada awak, dan pada awak yg sorang lagi *if u know who, yes, its you* :)

Notakaki: Sekadar tulisan kepada kamu, yang sy tak pasti jumpa tak blog ni.. Sy nak kamu tahu, walaupun sy tak tahu macamana nak bagitau kamu.. InsyaAllah, segala yg sy buat adalah kerana kamu sahabat sy lillahita'ala.. Tolong jangan rasa yang kamu susahkan sy, please. Kamu juga perlu kuat, ok? Sebab kalau kamu takde, siapa nak temankan sy lagi? Ada satu setengah sem lagi, please stay strong, TITANIUM.

Semoga Allah kuatkan langkah kita.. Ameen

Thursday, April 25, 2013

.:. Vote.vote.vote. .:.

PRU fever all over Malaysia! The GE 13 just around the corner. Let's fulfill our obligation to elect our future leader.. But, in order to choose our leader, we must wondering, who is a good leader for us to choose..? What are their qualities to be considered? Nah, there are the answers.. :)
Jules Masserman in a Time Magazine article entitled: “Who Were Histories Great Leaders?” wrote:
“Leaders must fulfil three functions:
1. Provide for wellbeing of the led,
2. Provide a social organisation in which people feel relatively secure,
3. And provide them with one set of beliefs.
People like Pasteur and Salk are leaders in the first sense. People like Gandhi and Confucius, on one hand, and Alexander, Caeser and Hitler on the other hand, are leaders in the second and perhaps the third sense. Jesus and Buddha belong in the third category alone. Perhaps the greatest leader of all times was Mohammed, who combined all three functions.” (source)

Emm.. For me..choose leaders who would fulfill their responsibility honourably, who are not selfish, do their duty faithfully.. Who would uphold this Deen, based on Al-Quran and As-Sunnah.. Leaders who follow and want to follow the Prophet, Nabi Muhammad S.A.W, his qualities of leadership..

So..Let's VOTE!